Department of History
About Department:
History dept. starts functioning on 16th July 1966, Prof. M S Urmila Devi was the founder HOD and served till July 2002.
Prof. H Revanasiddappa joined in the year 1974 served till Nov 2011.
Dr. Eranna served as HOD in the Dept. till superannuation in 2014.
Dr. S. Rajesh served as HOD & Associate Prof. in the dept. and later he was transfer to Sree Siddaganga Womens college in the Year 2014.
Dr. M S Shivaprakash served as HOD & Associate Prof. and He was Promoted as Principal and Posted to Sree Siddaganga First Grade college of Arts and Commerce, Nelamangala in July 2017.
Dr. Prasannakumar.N, served as HOD & Associate Prof Worked in the Year 2018 – 2020
They Contributed to the growth of department academic activities.
Presently Dr. B R Chandrashekaraiah working as HOD & Assistant Prof., Dr Lakshminarayana T N, Guest Faculty, Continuing the Academic Activities.
Special Equipment Present in the Lab is having outline Maps around 35 no’
- No of Books in the Dept. Library 500
HOD, History
Dr. Chandrashekharaiah.B.R
M A, Ph.D.
Department News Updates:
Develop the Spirit of enquiry in ancient history,cultural heritage,rise and fall of ancient civilization.
To develop historical sense with a perspective to become broad minded citizens of the world and achieve excellence.
Promote the activities of “Ithihasa Parishath”
Discover the historical importance of the temples in the district.
Enlighten the students and the public about the cultural heritage of the land.
Arranging guest lectures by experts.
Conducting essay writing competition connected to topics of historical importance.

Course Outcomes [CO's]
History of Ancient India I Semester
At the end of the course, student will be able to:
- Understand and appreciate the history of ancient India in terms of early history, Vedic period,mouryas history and history of Guptas
- Know the art,culture,architecture, economic policies, socialpattern, religion ,political pattern,literature,science and technology and education in various historical periods
- Understand the contributions of religions and social leaders, various dynasties and foreign travellers.
- Know the relevance of the history of ancient India is the modern context and apply the relevant innovative practices.
History of Medieval India IIsemesters
At the end of the course,student will be able to:
- Understand the invaders supremacy is establishingsovereignty over India by slave, Khilji, Tughalag, Mughal dynasties.
- Know the contribution in administration,economic reforms, revenue policies, religion,art and architecture.
- Understand the revival of Hinduism by Shivaji and contribution of social religious leaders including Ramand, Khabir, Meerabhai.
- Know the relevance of H.O.M.I is the modern context.
History of Karnataka III Semester
At the end of the course the student will be able to:
- Understand and appreciate the role of various dynasties including Chalukya ,Gangas, Rastrakutas, Hoysalas, Vijanagara Empire, and Bhamini Kingdom and Wadeyars of Mysore.
- Know the contributions by various Wadeyars families and Deewans in building vastly Mysore providence into modern Karnataka.
- Appreciate the contributions of Karnatic history towards freedom movement in India.
History of Karnataka IV Semester
At the end of the course the student will be able to:
- Understand the resources of geo graphical discoveries by Portuguese, Dutch, French and British Empire and its impact of Indian Political system.
- Know the various acts formulated by British East India Company and its impact on Indian administration.
- Understand British education system and its role in modern education system.
- Know the effect of dynastic and British rule and start of Indian freedom struggle movement.
History of Indian National Movement V Semester (5.1)
At the end of the course the student will be able to:
- Know the role of religious movement and its impact society
- Know the cause for the nationalism
- Effects of portion of India and its impact on India’s development
History of modern Europe VSemester (6a)
At the end of the course the student will be able to:
- Understand the causes for 14th century renaissance impacts
- Know the outcomes of 1789 French revolution and its influence on entire world
- Know the importance of unification of countries
- Know the role of league of nations in establishing peace in the world
- Know the role of I and II world war and its effects on the world
India after Independence VISemester (7)
At the end of the course the student will be able to:
- Understand the problems faced by the new republic
- Know the new Indianforeign policy
- Know the contemporary problems facing by the Indians
- Understand the role of UPSE,KPSE, NCERT, ICSSR, and ICCR in the empowerment/academic scenario.
- Know the Indian economics, scientific political power of India in the world scenario.
Contemporary world VI semester (8a)
At the end of the course the student will be able to:
- Understand the impact of cold war
- Know the struggle of republic of South Africa
- Understand the solvent union disintegration and its impact on world policies
- Know the effect of international terrorism
- Know the effect of gulf crises on world economy
Programme Outcomes [PO's]
The arts undergraduate program is designed to achieve the following outcomes:
PO1. To put in place structure and contents to make it an integrated and interdisciplinary program with flexibility and choice.
PO2.To reflect a general understanding of the concepts and principles of selected areas of the study thus providing students an opportunity to decide the specialization fields for making professional choices.
PO3.To augments the ability to describe and compare the roles, impacts and ethical implications of ideas, texts, social movements and contemporary situations.
PO4.Acquire analytical skills and develop a critical understanding of social, political economic and cultural processes, to present materials and ideas effectively on order to connect between the local, regional and global.
PO5.To integrate the treatment of topics by interlinking knowledge, skills, values and attitudes to action.
PO6.To provide an arena for reflective thinking and concern for the common good and application of social values.
PO7.Produce graduates with a foundation in professional ethics who will actively seek to positively impact their profession, community, and society.
Programme Specific Outcomes [PSO's]
Students successfully completing the B.A. programme with History will develop skills, competencies, and knowledge which will enable them to achieve their expected goals in future.
PSO1. Students will demonstrate knowledge of the chronology, narrative, major events, personalities and turning points of ancient, medieval,karanataka history and modern history.
PSO2. Students will be able to understand major historical developments based on contextualized analysis of interrelated political, social, economic, cultural and intellectual processes.
PSO3. Students will be able to accurately extract evidence from secondary sources by analyzing and evaluating them in relation to their cultural and historical context and use that evidence to build and support an argument.
PSO4. Students will be able to evaluate historical sources by analyzing them in relation to the evidence that supports them, their theoretical frameworks and other secondary historical literature.
PSO5. Students will learn to understand the world contextually, that is, to interpret human experiences and the meanings people have given them in relationship to the place and time in which they occurred.
PSO7. Students will learn to explain how and why important events happen and change occurs over time .
PSO8. Students will learn the general course of human history in multiple areas of the world.
Faculty Details
Sl. No. | Name of the Staff | Designation | Qualification |
1 | Dr.Chandrashekharaiah.B.R | HOD
Asst. Professor |
M A,Ph.D |
Non-Teaching Staff | |||
1. | Suresha.M.B | Peon | SSLC |