Department of Mathematics
About Department:
The undergraduate course in Mathematics is designed to enable the students to lay a strong foundation in various field of Mathematics. It also Aims enhanced the students reasoning analytical and problem solving skills. The first four semesters are devoted to appreciate the beauty of Mathematics through introductory algebra, Calculus of several variables. In order to help the students in exploration mathematical concept through activates and exploration free and open source software tools like SCILAB and MAXIMA are introduced. Students find better perceptions of the classical papers like abstract Algebra and real and complex analysis, Numerical Analysis, Number theory and Linear programming papers help the students to envisage an in depth knowledge of various Numerical Methods and integral transform required in scientific and technical applications.

Our Vision
To train our youth in high academic environment by providing basic and applied knowledge in Mathematics.
Our Mission
- To promote traditional & modern method of teaching Mathematics.
- To enable students to use Mathematical application in real life situations.
Course Outcomes [CO's]
To develop interest among students in various topics in mathematics like calculus and Matrix theory. Improve the differentiation and integration skills.
To impart the students a thorough knowledge about the solving the differential equations.
Distinguish between ordinary DE and partial DE.
To understand real line, count ability of sets, finding the limit of the real sequence and series. Understand Mean value theorems in the intervals.
Get the knowledge of Behavior of the vectors, findings the area and volume of the regions.
Get the basic things of modern algebra.
Improving the knowledge of higher algebra by studying the ring theory and Linear Algebra.
Improvement Problem solving skill by Numerically.
To enable the students to solve the integral transform problems graphically. Expressing the functions as sine and cosine form. Solving the improper integral problems.
Get the knowledge about the distinguish between real valued function and complex valued function. Solving the differentiation and integration of complex valued functions.
Differentiation and integration of the quadreture functions by Numerically.
Understanding the Number system and different number like prime , composite numbers.
GCD of two integers. Solving the problems by congruence relations.
Programme Outcomes [PO's]
Program Objectives:
- To give conceptual knowledge and understanding of the basic principles of sciences.
- To prepare students to go for higher education and research as a career.
- To develop employability skills and entrepreneurship.
Program Outcomes: After completion of the programme, the student is able to do
- Comprehend computer architecture, network, data structure, database management system and various web based and application based programming languages.
- Apply the basics of various electronic components like diode, transistor etc., graphical data analysis and interpretation, use of concepts of digital fundamental, memory system and various electronic components,
- Understand different computer hardware component including purpose and functions of an operating systems and will be able to troubleshoot various electronic equipment’s.
- Develop logical and analytical thinking, problem solving skill.
Programme Specific Outcomes [PSO's]
PSO1: In this paper students gets the knowledge regarding successive differentiation and n th derivative of the functions. And also polar co ordinates, Reeducation formula, partial derivatives of the functions and also Matrix theory.
PSO2: To enhance knowledge about the solving first and higher order differential equations with constant and variable coefficients in single independent variable.Also partial differentiation
equations and PDE.
PSO3: In this paper get the knowledge about the Analysis such as Real Analysis(Real line).
Sequnec of real number, series of real numbers and their convergence. Gain the knowledge about Limit, Continuity and Differentiability of the real valued functions.
PSO4: It this program understand the vector calculus and calculate the length,Area,volume and surface area of the certain regions. Regarding sets, modern algebra.
PSO5: To understand the higher knowledge about the modern algebra of rings and linera algebra. And solving equations and problems by Numerical methods.
PSO6: periodic functions in terms of Sine and cosine series expansion over the intervals. Evaluation of integral transform of Laplace and Fourier and improper integrals.
PSO7: In this paper study of functions of complex variables and evaluation of limits ,continuity and analytic functions both Cartesian and polar forms. Harmonic functions. Evaluation of Complex integration in particular Moresr theorem and FTA. Finite difference of forward and backward difference. Interpolation, extrapolation and numerical differentiation.
PSO8: Study of Number system amd finding GCD, Euclidean algorithm, prime numbers and their properties congruence’s. Regarding multiplicative functions, GIF, Phi – function and their properties.
PSO9: In practical classes students are trained to solving the problems through the software’s from Maxima and Sci lab.
Faculty Details
Sl. No. | Name of the Staff | Designation | Qualification |
1 | Hanumantharayappa | Assistant Professor & HOD | M.Sc |
2 | Yogeesh.S.M | Assistant Professor | M.Sc |
3 | Snehashree.R | Assistant Professor | M.Sc, B.Ed, (Ph.D) |
4 | Dhanushree | Assistant Professor | M.Sc |
Non-Teaching Staff | |||
1 | Devaraju.K.N | Attender | PUC |