Department of Political Science
About Department:
Our Department as one among the popular Humanity Science is established in the year 1965 along with the establishment of our college. With a number of two digits of students. Prof. B Veerabhadraiah was the former Head of the Department follows by Prof. K S Shankaraiah, Prof of R Shivanna Prof G M Puttaswamy Gowda and Dr. S Sannaswamy along the faculty members like Dr. K S Shivaprasad Prof .G Lokesh.
At present the department is headed by Prof Parashivamurthy with a faculty member of Dr. K S Shivaprasad.
Regarding the student strength, initially it was started with a few students, but now it consists of nearly 200 students.
About the performance our Department is always maintained good result both at the Bangalore University and Tumkur University.
HOD, Political Science
M A. Ph.D.
Department News Updates:

Our Vision
Train up of our youths to be an active citizens of the Modern world in the present global context.
Our Mission
- Develop the broad outlook on various branches of our subject Political Science.
- Develop the Leadership qualities, Creative thinking and decision making ability.
- Develop an Administrative skills and there help them to take point in nation building.
- To make our department as a model to the entire district.
- To create the awareness among the students about the society, nation and state.
Course Outcomes [CO's]
Programme:- HEP(History, Economics, Political Science)
The course BA with the above programme provides the following out Come:-
- It creates an opportunity to become a graduate
- It Provides an eligibility to take competitive examinations conducted by the UPSC, KPSC and SSC.
- It would also create an opportunity to pursue the higher educations like MA MBA and other.
- It will also provides an eligibility for Joining the professional courses like B. Ed and LLB
Programme Outcomes [PO's]
In modern days democracy is a very popular govt. every individual should know the knowledge of political Science the science of polities containing the knowledge of the state, Govt and all other Political institutions.
“Unless the states men becomes philosopher and a philosopher becomes states man there is salvation to mankind “- Plato.
Therefore both the ruler and to be rule must aware the knowledge of Political Science.
Programme Specific Outcomes [PSO's]
We the faculty of Political Science provided the Knowledge and impact about the various aspects of Politics, Government and governance in various contents of our Curriculum.
In the first Sem we teach Basic concepts of Political Science and enlighten the knowledge of the subject through the fundamentals of the subject we enlighten the students about origin, growth, functions & the importance of various political Organisations.
In the II Sem with the Political theories will analysis the relative importance of various types Political isms like democracy, communism socialism etc,
In the 3rd Sem through teaching on western & Indian Political Thought we will provide an opportunity for political renaissance.
In the 4th Sem we teach Indian Government And Politics and Provide an Historical Investigation of the origin of Constitution And Governance in India we also provide an analysis of present Political Scenario about the politics in the Country.
In the 5th Sem we teach Public Administration as a Compulsory Subject in which we will teach practice side of the Government with an analysis of the system of recruitment, Training, Budgeting and (POSD CORB) .
It the 6th Sem we teach International Relations in which we tells about the present scenario of International Environment Situation in a very critical and two way edged, a good relationship among the neighbouring as well as other countries of the world which is very essential. Without a good International Relations we cannot ensures economic prosperity, International trade, International peace and stability which will go together. Hence the subject International Relations explaining the elements national Power. Diplomacy and War as an essence of disarmament.
Faculty Details
Sl. No. | Name of the Staff | Designation | Qualification |
1 | Dr.Shivaprasad.K.S | Assistant Professor | M.A,Ph.D |
2 | Sri.Venkataramu | Guest Lecturer | M A. B Ed |
3 | Sri. Krishna | Guest Lecturer | M A. B Ed |
Non-Teaching Staff | |||
1. | Ravindra.N | Peon | B A |